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A New Era for China Brings New Opportunities to All

On 2nd,January,2018,DDA/DAN INTERNATIONAL DESIGN ASSOCIATE held its first meeting of 2018.The theme of this meeting is about how to seize the new opportunities of the new era of China.Mr. Lodan,the president of DDA attended this meeting as the host.He said he was very honored to have so many intelligent entrepreneurs here at the meeting,which makes it very meaningful.He also said DDA is going to change its development strategy.The traditional way can no longer keep up with the fast speed of Chinas economy.Entrepreneurs need to find the second way or even more ways to develop their companies.The society is becoming a half-familiar society,that is to say,a community with strangers who never meet but still have some kind of economical relationship.they are not like real friends but have some connection and trust.People is impressed by our personal value and knowledge,which called the IP value.The higher IP value you have,the more influence you have,the more trust others to you.


Each member talked about the situation and the problems of their own company,they exchanged their experience and provided their advice on these problems.


This meeting was very successful.It brings new life to the traditional industry and helps company to develop by the new ideas to be practised.


日期: 2018年01月03日     返回列表
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